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What is Shadow Making?

Shadow making is a great way to give a natural or authentic look to an image or photo. Adding shadow or creating drop shadow makes the object dynamic. Not only that, shadow gives the image a more genuine and attractive look. If you want to increase or improve the impression of your product, then you can try our Photoshop shadow effect service. Normally when a photo is taken by a photographer the shadow of the object might not visible all the time. That why Shadow and product Reflection service used to create the shadow or reflection artificially to make the product more look creative. Some of our product photos may have natural shadows. You can retain the shadow by applying this service. You can get our shadow creating service at any time when you want. The Retouching cloud can ensure the quality of our work.

Drop Shadow Services

Drop Shadow Creation Service is not just about adding shadows to the picture. In graphic design, a drop shadow is a visual effect consisting of a drawing element that looks like the shadow of an object, giving the impression that the objects are raised above the objects behind it. Our professional Drop Shadow Creation Service team can create an amazing drop shadow for your products very easily. It can be done by adding different color mainly gray and black if you want we can add a different color. Retouching Cloud is always ready to give you our best service according to your requirements.

Natural Shadow Services

Natural shadow is a little bit different from another kind of shadows. First of all, we remove the background from the product using clipping path after than we create a shadow from your original shadow. it’s a really wonderful service then another kind of shadow.

Reflection Shadow Services

To explain easily, Reflection shadow means the reflection of an image in the mirror. Reflection shadow also called a mirror shadow. To make the product image gorgeous and real, reflection creating is an important process. It is a very popular technique to improve the natural look of a product. Reflection shadows mostly for e-commerce products.