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What is Ghost Mannequin?

In the world of photography, it is plausible for you to require the expertise of a ghost mannequin service provider. Keep in mind that as a professional photographer, it is expected from you to take thousands of photo shoots on a daily basis. And mind you, you still have to edit them accordingly. But considering how busy it can be when running a business, it only makes sense for you to tap the expertise of the said provider. Well, in this case, look no further than us. For years, we have been an industry leader in providing the most reliable and professional ghost mannequin service. It includes editing, effects, or removal of the mannequin, among many others. Have a look-see at how we can help you in this area!

Why Ghost Mannequin Need?
For a deluge of catalogs, magazines, and e-commerce sites, mannequins are rather put in place instead of a human figure to create 3D effects of different items. The latter, in particular, could include the likes of a cardigan, lingerie, trousers, jacket, and swimsuits, among many others. In the final output, however, you want to make sure that the background and the mannequin are removed. At the same time, the process should be able to provide your photos a more hollow and/or ghostly look. Our Ghost Mannequin Editing is specifically meant for this type of work.
Why Hire Us?
Our experts use various techniques in achieving the titular Ghost Mannequin Effect. Regardless of the technique we find suitable for your photos, we can always ensure you quality and top-notch result. But why should you trust us in this service? Why hire us instead?
You see, after going through the process of taking images for products using mannequins, you are to perform photo editing sooner or later. But since you are to handle other more important stuff, you want to find a way to reduce both time and money. That is why it is more ideal for you to let us perform this job instead.
Apart from providing you the aforementioned effect, we are also capable of removing ghost mannequin. Our experts are capable of doing this with so much sophistication that you cannot help but appreciate the talent around it. Our goal here is to provide you with professionally edited ghost mannequins in order to give your images more depth.


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Basic $5
  •   2 Free High End Jewelry Retouching Sample
  •   Basic Jewelry Retouching Service
  •   JPEG, PNG ( Transparent)
  •   Printable resolution file
  •   Unlimited Revisions
Standard $10
  •   2 Free High End Jewelry Retouching Sample
  •   High End Jewelry Retouching
  •   JPEG, PNG (Transparent), PDF, TIF, RAW, PSD
  •   Include source file
  •   Printable resolution file
  •   Commercial use
  •   Unlimited Revisions
Premium $15
  •   2 Free High End Jewelry Retouching Sample
  •   High End Jewelry Retouching
  •   JPEG, PNG (Transparent), PDF, TIF, RAW, PSD
  •   Include source file
  •   Printable resolution file
  •   Commercial use
  •   Unlimited Revisions
  •   VIP Support
  •   Life time support for this order


Shadow Retouching


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You have to go through some essential steps to remove unwanted photos from photos. The most common and crucial steps are downloading Photo Director, selecting AI removal, importing your image, setting a brush, and removing the shadow.

The meaning of shadow work is using your: unconscious mind to find the aspects of yourself that you conceal and repress. It just makes your images entirely professional and unique looking.

If you were looking out from a light source, everything visible to the unaided eye would appear to be illuminated. However, everything would be under shadow behind those objects. This is the main concept underlying the creation of a shadow map.

Considering Factors to Get the Quality Shadow Making Service

You should give more priority to the quality of your product images than any other term. The best shadow-creating service will make your photos awesome looking with the highest professionalism. An expert will be able to provide you the quality shadow-making services with his best practices.
Proper skill

An expert photo editing team can make your photos more outstanding with updated tools.


You will get different photo editing experts with unique photo editing charges.

Quick delivery

Timing is a great term for quick delivery.You will get the photo editing experts with proper time conscious

Bulk delivery

You will not get available professional photo editing companies with high product production capacity

Trust Worthy

We have been working in this industry since 2015.We have built trst amoung our clients.

24-hour support

Proper communication with clients is most important for managing schedules.